Sunday, December 2, 2012

4-8 Months


Since your arrival and my return to work, the free time to keep up with your blog has been non-existent.  My time on the computer has been less because, well, I enjoy my time with you so much more.  A huge thanks to the former Peter Kirk psychologist for getting us a baby's first year calendar because I have kept great detail of your life on this calendar.  Let's catch the rest of the world up with what's happening in your little-big world beginning with 5 months and working forward to today.

5th month:
  •   I am unsure of your height and weight; however you were above average (of course). 
  • You were introduced to solids...rice cereal and then bananas (which you, to this day, still do not like bananas).
  • Things that you learned to do: roll over, grab your feet, sit up, give kisses, blow bubbles with your lips, recognize your name and recognize mommy and daddy.
  • You like to snuggle with your tag blanket, go places, go for walks with mommy and eat real food (you love food).
  • You do not like to be left are very social.  Also sudden loud noises or people scare you.
  • At 5 months your personality was really beginning to show.  You are determined and persistent.  You are a very happy baby that enjoys being with people. Although social, you also play very well on your own.  You give mommy and daddy hugs and kisses. You love the water.
  • In your fifth month we took a family trip to Mt. St. Helens, you had a special outing to Woodland Park Zoo.  You also had your first trip to Idaho where you took your first peanut cruise and swam in the river. You went on your first camping trip, which ended up being a disaster in the evenings at bed time.  You met your cousins Peyton, Jade and Raiden for the first time.
6th month:
  • You were about 21 lbs.  
  • You had eaten bananas, peaches, squash, peas, apples and sweet potatoes.
  • You were still learning to sit up and roll over.  You were also learning your name and began to look in our direction when we called you.  You also began blowing bubbles/spitting with both of your lips puckered. We began teaching you to wave goodbye.
  • You like peaches, squash and sweet potatoes.  You love the kids at your daycare, especially the little girl Addison.  Bath time continues to be one of your favorites too, as well as snuggling with your tag blanket.
  • You dislike peas--you gag and throw up every time you try them.  You also are unsure of avocado.  You hate going to bed and long car rides (driving across the state).
  • Things that make you special:  You are determined and persistent.  You love to snuggle and give hugs and kisses.  You smile a lot and are a very happy baby.  You do a "wiggle" dance.  You are a great sleeper, once you fall asleep.
  • Main events in your 6th month: You consistently began sleeping through the night.  You had your first day at daycare.  

7th month:
  • You ate carrots, pears, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green beans, bananas, peaches, prunes, blueberries.  You did not like watermelon, peas and avocados.
  • You learned to roll over both directions, sit up, recognize your name, recognize "ma-ma" and daddy, eat a variety of solids, clap your hands, sit up and ride facing forward in the stroller and give hugs and kisses.
  • Things you like: your tag blanket, your toes, sweet potatoes, hiding under blankets, sheets or anything really
  • You dislike: You really don't dislike are a very happy baby.
  • Things that make you special: You are a funny little guy and you try to make yourself laugh. You have a lot of hair that stands straight up.  You smile big when you wake up...even if you are covered in poop or pee. You are beginning to laugh when you toot. You give big, sloppy kisses to mommy (not as much to daddy because he is growing a beard). You love to play peek-a-boo with daddy.  You continue to be a great sleeper.
8th month: 
  • You are 29 inches long and 22.5 pounds (85-90 percentile for height and weight).
  • You eat just about everything and continue to love sweet potatoes.  You've tried vegetable and chicken noodle soup and love both of them.
  • You are still learning to sit up.  You clap your hands, grab food with your pincher fingers (puffs), sit in your high-chair, blow raspberries and give kisses.  We are still working on waving goodbye.
  • You love the Vandal Fight Song (of course). You continue to love your bath or naked time.  You absolutely love Liam, Gia and Aidan and watch everything that they do.  You also love your little buddy Colson and are curious, yet unsure of Carver.  
  • You hate having your nose cleaned and absolutely cannot stand to be poopy.  Hopefully this will be an advantage later on when we begin potty training.
  • There are many things that make you special...When you don't like food you instantly blow raspberries, tighten your lips or shake your head no.  You have a tendency to be a little stubborn and the joke around the house is that you get your stubbornness from your daddy; however the reality is that you get 100% of your stubbornness from your mommy.  You are attracted to the camera and are quite the ham. You have started playing with your penis and find it hilarious when you are naked.  You almost always sleep through the night.
  • Special events that happened in your 8th month: Grandma came to visit while mommy and daddy went away for a few days to Orcas Island.  This was our first overnight stay away from you. For Halloween you were a little monkey.  
Will, or Willster as I call are an absolutely joy every day that we get to spend with you.  A true blessing and a miracle.  Ma-ma and daddy love you very much.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Hi sweet baby boy.  Your daddy loves you so much and we had a great time celebrating him on Father's Day.  We spent the day at Dave and Julie's house with an abundance of friends who had eager intentions to play bocce ball, bbq and enjoy the nice weather as dad's; however, it rained buckets.  We were able to bbq and hang out, but bocce ball was out of the question.
Proud daddy.
Hmm?  Whose nose do you have? 
Your mommy is one lucky girl to have you and daddy in her life.  
I love you, little guy.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Well hello sweet baby boy.

You are just over 3 months old and continue to get cuter and more loved each day.  At your last doctor's appointment you were 24 inches long and 14 lbs 4 oz.  You are 75 % for height and weight and only 15% for head size.  You are long and lean.  My guess is that by now you are at least 15 pounds if not over because you love to eat.  You are a snacker...constantly eating.  I think you are going through a growth spurt, but then again, it seems like you are always going through a growth spurt.

Things you like:

  • cuddling with mommy
  • reading with daddy
  • having Moon on the Meadow sung to you when you are tired
  • you love, love, LOVE your tag blankets (thanks Keri and Charlie)
  • your have found them and love sucking on them
  • you love Liam and Colson...I think this is because they are small in size like you and we hang out a lot with them
  • you like to smile, especially on your second wake up of the morning 
  • you seem to like to travel in the car, but only when you have a full tummy and are ready to ride, otherwise, you scream bloody murder
  • you like socializing and being the center of attention....heaven for bid if we walk out of the room for two just don't like to be alone
  • you love the trees or just being outside
  • you love bath time
  • you also enjoy being pushed around in your like walks
  • you are getting better at tummy time, but only in short increments
Every day I continue thank God for you.  You are simply the best.  I love you, our little Willie goat.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Come to Jesus

I love you Will and am forever grateful to God for you.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

12 Weeks

Sweet William, you are 12 weeks today.  I can't believe it!  I think I say that every week, but it's true.  The time spent with you as an infant is going by so quickly.

Your personality is beginning to show.  You wake up every morning with a huge smile on your face ready to start your day.  You smile constantly and make friends everywhere you go...especially at the grocery store.

You are getting more used to tummy time, but you still do not enjoy it.  You like your swing and I think that's because you are upright.  You love to be upright looking around at everything.

You are more alert and aware of the tiny voices around you.  Your cousins came to visit last weekend and you were constantly looking for them when you heard their voices.  In fact, you got upset when you could hear them, but were not in the same room as them so you could watch them.

You are getting stronger in holding your head up and soon you will be sitting in your Bumpo.

You love, love, love bath time.

You are officially into 3-6 month clothing.

You started sleeping in your crib at night time and so far you are doing excellent.  The past two nights you have slept 7 hours straight.

You continue to nestle your nose into the crevasse of my elbow when you are tired.

You eat all the time. All. The. Time!

You have officially found your right fist and suck on it constantly.

You've started grabbing things and holding onto them, especially your tag blanket and mommy and daddy's clothing.

You love to snuggle and I take in all the snuggles I can get.  

You weight about 14 pounds and are long.  Very long.  Your feet are huge.

We've had some trying times and tiring days, but we are getting through them.  I think this is because you are growing and want to eat all the time.

Everyone loves you.  They love you a lot.

Let's hope your sleeping patterns continue.  Mommy and daddy enjoy 7 straight hours of sleep.

I love you baby boy,

Meeting your Aunt Cindy.

With your Great Papa.

With your Great Granny.

Tummy time with your Tiger.

Your cousin Reese.  March babes. 

You love your cousins.

You also love your Aunt Kaely.

You give the biggest smiles to daddy and Aunt Molly.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

11 Weeks

Sweet William,

You are almost 12 weeks.  It's hard to believe how quickly the time has passed and you are no longer looking like an infant, but a baby.  Your personality is slowly forming and shining through in your big smiles.  You coo at us and share big grins.  You are a happy baby that loves being around people.  You like to be held, but only held upright.  You are a snuggle bug and I soak up every moment of your snuggles.  Your little hands grasp our clothing when we hold you.  You are quickly moving out of your 0-3 month clothing and into your 3-6 month clothes.  You still dislike tummy time, but love playing on your mat while laying on your back.  In the past couple of days you have discovered your right fist, as your hands are almost always in a fist.  You continue to be oh so everyone.

I love you, 

Friday, May 4, 2012

8 Weeks

Sweet William,

You are 8 weeks old as of yesterday.  Where has the time gone?  You continue to grow healthy and strong, something I am so thankful for.  Your little personality is developing and if I'm not mistaken you have a bit of your mommy's stubbornness in you.  It's adorable now, but when you are 16 I'm sure it won't be that cute.  We've been adjusting to our new life with you, especially when it comes to your sleep schedule.  Last week you gave us a little tease and slept through the night.  Since then you have managed to wake up every 1 1/2-2 hours crying with hunger.  I think you are going through a growth spurt.  I hope that's what this is and your sleeping patterns eventually return to some sort of normalcy.

Although exhausted as we adjust to our new life with you, you are everything and more to us.  During the day I enjoy snuggling with you and our floor time together, both on your back and tummy.  You are still not a fan of tummy time for a lengthy period of time, but you have become stronger with holding your head up and kicking your legs.  Your eyes are drawn to the Guatemala picture hanging above the fireplace, but I think it's the glare on the glass that you are more interested in than the actual picture.  You also love looking outside the window--again, maybe you are more interested in the glare on the glass than actually what is outside.  You will sit in your swing for hours and you even like to take naps while swinging.  You love to be rocked to sleep as well.  I try to  remind myself at 3 a.m. that while rocking you to sleep can be tiring, I should take in the moment for you won't allow me to rock you to sleep forever.  When we hold you your tiny fingers grasp at our clothing and you hold on tightly.  You continue to love bath time, but only when daddy is giving you a bath.  You almost always fall asleep to me singing Moon on the Meadow to you.  Other songs we sing are Barges, Wee Baby Moon and Twinkle.

You are quite the little Mister.  We love you.


8 week photo

Asleep in my arms.

I love your lips.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

7 Weeks

Will, I can't believe you are 7 weeks. I  feel like I say this every week, but it's true.  The time is already passing by so quickly and you are getting so big.  You are the center of our life and mommy and daddy love you so much.

At 7 weeks you weigh a little over 10 pounds and are 22 1/2 inches long.  You are filling out and looking less like a newborn and more like a baby.  We are probably bias, but you are so incredibly cute.  You are a mellow baby, one that does not cry much.  (Thank God.)  You are becoming more alert and aware of your surroundings.  You hold your head up, but are slightly wobbly.  You love to snuggle in the napes of our necks and you sound like a little goat.  We call you our Willie Goat.  You love to have your back rubbed.  Your eyes haven't officially changed color and one sometimes looks brown, but the other consistently looks grayish-blue.  You love Liam and just stare at him when he is near you.  You are beginning to smile and your first smile was with your Aunt Molly.  You fixate on objects and looks like you are flashing gang signs.  We swaddle you in the evenings, but during the day mommy let's you sleep unswaddled and you spread out.  As always, you are so many.

Friday, April 13, 2012

5 Weeks

Will, you are changing daily and this scares me, but it's also exciting.  Everyone says the time passes by so quickly and it has. I can't believe you are already 5 weeks old.

You are becoming more alert and aware of mommy and daddy.
You continue to respond to your daddy's voice when he gets home from work.
You enjoy snuggle time with mommy...especially mid-day.
You are no longer wearing newborn clothing and have jumped into the 0-3 month size.
You like to place your hands around each side of the bottle.
You are becoming a better sleeper...3-5 hour spans at a time.
You love Aidan, Gia and Liam and watch and listen to everything they do.
You do not, for anything, enjoy getting your diaper changed.
You are easy going most of the time, but are a little fussy around 8 o'clock every night.
Your eyes continue to change colors...the right is definitely brown and the left is...well, blue and brown.
You have almost outgrown your are long.

You are loved...more than you can imagine.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4 Weeks


You are 4 weeks old today.  What?  I can't believe it!  You have stolen your mommy and daddy's heart, along with the rest of the world.  Everyone that meets you or sees you comments on your cuteness and how good looking you are.  I don't know if they are just saying that or if they really think you are cute, but one thing's for sure...your mommy and daddy think you are simply perfect and the greatest gift in the world.

All about you at 4 weeks:

  • You weigh...well, I'm not sure what you weigh, but today was the last day you will be wearing newborn clothing.  
  • You are long and lean.
  • You like to stay awake between 8 and 11 p.m. 
  • Your eyes are turning brown...I think.
  • You enjoy dancing with mommy to Louis Armstrong.
  • You like it when daddy reads the newspaper aloud to you.  (And mommy thinks it is cute.)
  • Your eyes move in the direction of our voices.  
  • You are fascinated with the light or moving tress outside.
  • You now enjoy your nightly bath time.
  • Snuggling with mommy on the couch is a plus.
  • You are somewhat taking to a pacifier, but are not a complete fan.
  • You have a baby mullet.
  • You have peed and pooped on both mommy and daddy.  I think you have pooped on mommy more.
  • It seems like getting your diaper changed is torture, but you are instantly happy when picked up from the changing table.
  • You like hugs...lots of hugs.

Again, simply perfect.

I love you,


Baby Will, you are oh so loved. I know I keep telling you this, but it is true.  Candace, also known as 4-1-1, was present at your birth and she blogged about her experience.  You can check out her view of your birth here...

Auntie 4-1-1 loves hanging out with you. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Barrans Boys Love You

Sweet Will, you are oh so loved by many, but there are a couple of little ones that are in awe of you.  

Aidan is curious and intrigued by you.  
He is enamored by you.  
He loves his new little "cousin".

Liam is also curious.
He calls you "Baby Wow".  
A perfect name for you.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Two Weeks

Sweet baby boy, you are two weeks old.  We are adjusting to our new life with you and loving every minute...even the 3 a.m. epic puke where we had to completely strip the bed, you and daddy (who had to shower in order to clean up).  You are truly a blessing and have managed to overflow our hearts with love.

Love you, Will.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Birth Story (Mommy's Point of View)

Dear Sweet Little Will,

Your story is simply perfect and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  With continued anticipation for your arrival I went to another regularly scheduled NST (non-stress test) and OB visit on the 6th at 1:00. During the stress test you were, as always, cool as a cucumber.  There were mild contractions that showed up on the uteran activity monitor, but nothing that was too alarming.  After about 30-40 minutes of being hooked up to the NST and your mommy enjoying her twice a week allotted reading fix (I was reading Traveling Mercies by Lamott), Dr. Wittman decided to go ahead and do another cervix exam to see how we were progressing along.  To our surprise, within 24 hours I had progressed from 3 to 4 cm and maintained the 60 % effaced.  Dr. Wittman seemed relatively surprised and shared that I could go into labor at any time...I believe her words were, "You could go into labor today or you may stay at this stage for a week.  I'm on call on Sunday so keep that in mind too."  As if I had a say in the matter as to when you wanted to enter the world, Dr. Wittman was hoping to be the OB to deliver you.

I returned home around 2:30 and was sitting down to send an e-mail to my classroom parents about the current update and let them know that I was eager to return to work on Thursday after a week long stretch of mild bed rest.  However, as I flipped open the laptop and was clicking on the "interwebs", I had the following 3-second thought process and occurrences...Hmm, that was an interesting fart, what a relief...Why am I peeing my...Oh my goodness, my water just broke.  In an instant my jeans (1 of 2 pairs of pants that fit at the time) were soaked to my ankles and I was sitting in a warm puddle of water.  I believe I then grinned from ear to ear, got emotional with a few happy tears and slowly waddled into our bathroom.  On the way to the bathroom I called Molly (sorry Chad) and when she answered the phone the first thing she said was, "Your water just broke, didn't it?"  I remained calm and said, "Sure did."  I then called your daddy and when he answered the phone I believe I had a bit of laughter in my voice and calmly said, "Babe, I think you need to head water just broke."  I believe his response was something like, "Um, okay.  I'll be there right away."

The time in between me hanging up the phone with daddy and him arriving at home the following happened...
As I was standing in our bathroom I reached for your daddy's towel (of course I wasn't going to use mine) and spread it out on the bathroom floor.  I proceeded to get undressed and text a handful of family members and, Sonja, Kaely, Teagan, Rolan, Candace, Danielle and Andria.  Once undressed I hopped in the shower to rinse off and continue to calm myself.  Afterwards I put on my 2nd pair of pants that fit at the time, my comfy maternity yoga pants, and proceeded to get dressed in time for your daddy to arrive home.  As he opened the door the first contraction after my water breaking occurred, which was about 30 minutes.  Now that was a contraction, enough for me to not to be able to greet daddy when he opened the door and to stable myself against the wall in the entry way.  The week before when we had our false alarm, we had packed everything in the car, including your car seat and our overnight bags.  We had a few odd and end items to grab, cell phone charger, a few toiletries and daddy grabbed his book and the newspaper.

As we were walking out to the car, which was parked in the driveway, the sun was shining and the sky was absolutely bright blue.  A perfect day for your arrival.  Just as I got to the hood of the car another contraction hit and I bent over to brace myself on the hood.  As I did so, another huge gush of water went down my legs and as daddy walked around the front path I turned around and we both started laughing.  It looked like I had peed my pants and daddy asked if I wanted to change.  As I continued to laugh, I told him that I didn't have another pair of pants that fit so he ran back inside to get a towel for me to sit on for our ride to the hospital.

I can't recall what I was thinking on the way to the hospital, but I remember both of us being happy and smiling...I probably was even tearing up with happy emotions.  When we got to the hospital we parked relatively close to the main entrance and proceeded to laugh (or at least I was) about my "Oops, I peed my pants" attire.  We snapped a photo in the parking garage for evidence of the wet mess, but it didn't turn out very well.

We got into the Family Maternity Center and they we all ready for us because on the way to the hospital I called my doctor and they called ahead for us.  I signed a few things, we both got our hospital bracelets and were greeted by nurse Jacqui.  As we settled into the room, Molly and Candace showed up shortly after.

So there we were, in our hospital room, me dressed in my fashion model mu mu-robe with the flap open in the back (apparently all the hospital world enjoys seeing everyone's butt) getting registered and settled in for who knew how many days ahead.  Nurse Jacqui sat at her little computer and proceeded to ask us many questions about the pregnancy, our family health history and our birth plan. Once the interviewing was over another cervix exam was in order and to everyone's surprise I was progressing quite quickly and was about 6 cm.  I can't recall how far effaced I was.  At this point I had not sat or laid down in the bed because the contractions were easier to get through standing up, slightly bent over and holding myself up with my hands on the end of the bed.  In between contractions we were all talking, laughing and having surreal moments of your day finally being here.  As the contractions intensified, and with me in the same position, apparently I would stand up on my tip toes and sway back and forth while breathing deep.  At about 7 cm I had a couple of really intense contractions and began crying, telling your daddy that I didn't want to feel another strong contraction like that again. I remember feeling a slight sense of fear and wondering if this is the pain I am feeling now (which I believe I have a very high pain tolerance) then how was I going to get through this.  Your daddy, Molly and Candace continued to reassure me, support me and be by my side as the pain increased.  Then the epidural procedures began.

Prior to going into delivery and throughout the pregnancy I had more anxiety and fear of getting an epidural than actually delivering you.  I can recall my anxiety level rising and I believe I began to cry more.  Again, your daddy was by my side the entire time...or so I thought.  The nurse prepped me for the epidural which meant hooking me up to an additional bag of fluids and waiting about 20 minutes for the fluid to all go into my system.  Had I known beforehand that this was a step in the process, I probably would've asked for the epidural much sooner.  Once the fluids were in my system, the anesthesiologist entered the room, introduced himself and began sharing with us the procedure for administering the epidural.  As I sat on one side of the bed with my back facing the anesthesiologist, your daddy stood in front of me so I could hang onto him during contractions.  The anesthesiologist talked me through the entire process. He shared with me when he was cleaning the area on my back, giving me a local anesthetic, and inserting the epidural. I remember that he had to remind me to not move, even during contractions which was extremely hard to do and to arch my back like a cat, also hard to do with the continued contractions.  Once the epidural was in place I laid back down in bed, not realizing that your daddy was not longer standing in front of me.  I do not recall when he let go of me, but when I laid down I saw him sitting in a chair, his elbows resting on his knees and his head between his hands.  He was white as a ghost...beyond white.

I really can't recall the next couple of minutes, and I believe that was partly due to the drugs kicking in.  My pain was gone and I couldn't feel anything from my belly button down.  The laughter, joking and happy conversations re-entered the atmosphere and all was pleasant and seemed somewhat normal again.  By this time it was about 8:30 and I was definitely in a happier place.

After the epidural, came the catheter.  Nurse Diane, whom did not have as much a sense of humor as Nurse Jacqui, proceeded to insert the catheter; however, as I was being rolled over onto my back a fountain of pee shot up in the air and almost hit the nurse in the face.  Serves her right I suppose for lacking in the sense of humor department.  This instantly brought laughter to the room, minus the nurse.  I was crying I was laughing so hard and I believe it was the same for Chad, Molly and Candace.  Once the catheter was in I was good to go.  The contractions that I was feeling seemed practically non-existent and my body was completely numb from the belly button down...this was an eerie feeling.  Nurse Diane then checked my progression and said that I was 10 cm and almost 100% was close to pushin' time.

Around 10:00 the pushing began.  I couldn't really tell when the contractions were at their strongest so I had to have my hand upon my abdomen in order to feel the muscles contracting.  I also had to rely on Molly and Candace as they watched the uteran activity monitor and when they said push, I began to push.  Because I couldn't feel anything, Candace was on my right leg and Molly was on the left leg while your daddy was up by my head reminding me to breathe and and encouraging me through everything.  Nurse Jacqui said I had to push like I was pushing a watermelon up towards the ceiling.  As it was extremely difficult to feel anything it was even more difficult to think about trying to push something up towards the ceiling.  As a joke, and in between contractions, Nurse Jacqui made a target and taped on the t.v. that was high and in sight as I began pushing.  For the next two hours the pushing continued and I began to get very tired.  The contractions were about every 1-2 minutes so there was continuous pushing.  During the contractions I did between 3-5 pushes and at times I felt as if I was pushing so hard that my face was turning purple.  I believe your daddy had to remind me to breath quite a few times.  It was exciting to hear that little comments from Molly, Candace and the nurse..."There he is." "I can see a little curl." "Oh, he's getting closer."  All of this was encouraging, but I was quickly wearing out.

After a couple of hours and exhaustion settling in, I remember commenting on how I thought everything would be easier if I could at least feel a little bit as to what was going on down there.  Again, my body was completely numb from the belly button down and the moment that Candace or Molly let go of one of my legs it flopped to the side.  A couple of times a leg almost fell off the bed.  It was all entertaining to say the least.  Nurse Jacqui's shift was up at 11:00 and she decided to stick around for your delivery.  She had already been through so much with us that she couldn't resist going home and not seeing you be born.  I believe that at one point Dr. Dydell came in to see how we were progressing and to check on the overall status of everything.  She quickly agreed that the epidural should be backed off enough for me to feel a little bit so I could be more successful on my pushes.  The anesthesiologist returned and lowered the epidural level.  Almost instantly the feeling was different.  I could feel when a contraction was approaching and I could now feel where I needed to push.  At some point within the next hour your head and shoulder got stuck on my upper pubic bone and the pressure was almost unbearable.  The nurses kept telling me that the moment your head was under the pubic bone I would feel a huge relief.

At about this time Dr. Dydell returned and was almost frantic when she saw how far we had progressed.  As she was quickly being dressed for your delivery she was telling me to not push.  The urge to not push while contracting was very hard and the pressure on my pubic bone seemed even more intense.  The time between her dressing, the two contractions that I had and her being in place and ready to go for your delivery almost seemed to be the longest yet shortest time frame of the entire process.  The pain was almost unbearable and your daddy shared with me that at this point I really started crying and said I couldn't do it anymore. I just wanted it to be over with and to be holding you in my arms.  As throughout the entire process your daddy continued to encourage and support me.

I felt another contraction coming on and I thought to myself, this is going to be it.  I want to be done with pushing and I wanted the pubic pressure and pain to go away.  I pushed with everything I had left in me and just as nurse Jacqui said, there was a pressure relief.  At this point, I thought your head had just dipped under the pubic bone, but Dr. Dydell loudly commanded for me to push again and within the next couple of seconds you were laying on my chest, looking up at me and it was then, and only then, I was able to breath, relax and thank God for everything.  Just knowing that you were alive and okay and in my arms was unlike any overwhelming feeling that I had expected.  You cried, but only a couple little wimpers and the moment you heard my voice and looked up at me, your eyes said there you are mommy, I'm going to be okay.

The next moments were surreal and I honestly can't recall what happened.  I was to overwhelmed with the thought of you, a miracle from God, finally in my arms and the exhaustion of pushing being over.  Dr. Witman wanted you to be at the earliest 37 weeks.  Well, my little boy, you entered this world 53 minutes of being 37 weeks.  Impeccable timing! I'm not sure how long you laid on my chest, but at some point you were removed for weighing, measuring and a few other things.  Dr. Dydell completed some stitching as the nurses prepped for all the post birth tests.  At some point your daddy gave you a bath, but by this time I was exhausted.

You entered the world on March 7th at 12:53 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 inches long.

You are perfect.  Simply perfect.

Our love for you is unlike anything we can explain.  We are so blessed with family and friends that have supported us through everything.  And without question, a special thank you to Molly and Candace for being there and supporting all three of us as you entered the world.

We love you little Will.
Mommy (and Daddy)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

False Alarm

And so your story begins...

For the past month I have gone in every Tuesday and Thursday for a non-stress test.  The test basically monitors your heart beat and my uteran activity.  This past Tuesday the doctor noticed an increase in the uteran activity and decided to do an early cervix exam.  To our surprise I was 3 cm and 60% effaced.

That evening daddy and I came home from work, packed our bags and cleaned the house.  Daddy also worked on your dresser.  I think I may have over done it and am now causing the both of us a bit of stress.  Sorry little guy.

Wednesday was Leap Day and the fifth graders were hoping for your arrival on Leap Day...they almost got what they wanted.  After two hours of consistent contractions and a couple that took my breath away, daddy came and picked me up and we headed to the doctor's office.  Prior to daddy's arrival at the school we were surrounded with love from many teachers and other staff members.  A few students even waited in the office until daddy came...I think they were just eager to meet him.

At the doctor's office I received another exam...not fun...and am now on limited mobility/bed rest until next Wednesday.  At this time I will be at 37 weeks and you will be considered full term.  You may come any time after next Wednesday, but until then I want you to stay nice and cozy and continue to grow.

Today is Thursday and we paid another wonderful visit to see Dr. Wittman.  She did another exam and we are still at the same stage as on Tuesday.  Many students and parents have e-mailed to share their excitement.  The one e-mail that stood out was from Noah.  Noah is a fifth grade boy with autism and has been excited and very focused on you since the beginning.  His e-mail was to share that he was right about you arriving on Leap Day and you are considered a Leapling.  He also shared of a Leap Day festival in Texas that he really wanted me to check out.  Unfortunately I had to let him know that you did not arrive on Leap Day; however, he is eager to see the new ultrasound photo that I got on this last week.  Again, you are loved by so many, including the fifth graders.

Your story will continue as we get closer to your arrival...
Love you, Will.

Your Name

Hey little Will...

Yes, your name has been shared with family.  William Hudson MacDonald, but we will be calling you Will...or whatever nicknames may come along.  We've known that we wanted to call you this for quite some time and many family members and friends have been chompin' at the bit to figure out your name.  I've slipped a couple of times prior to sharing with the family and a couple of friends full on guessed your name.  I couldn't lie with the huge smile that crossed my face at the sound of your name.

You have a couple of family members that share your name...mainly great and great-great grandpas with either William being their first name or their middle name.  Hudson?  Well, we originally had plans to name you Hudson, for years, but we didn't want to name you a "trendy" name...which is what Hudson has turned into.  Hudson comes from Roger Hudson, a dear friend of your daddy's side of the family.  Roger Hudson passed of cancer a few years ago.  I'm sure it won't be long before you are bellied up to the bar at Hudson's in Coeurd'Alene with daddy and grandpa enjoying a Hudson hamburger and a glass of milk.

Mommy and daddy love you...actually everyone loves you (it's unbelievable how loved you are already).

Monday, February 27, 2012


Hey little guy,

I should apologize for the craziness and stress that I may have caused you this morning.  It's down right unreal the hormonal changes that occur as your mommy continues to keep you warm and cozy.

Today is not a good day. There have been a handful of days, but today, well, it trumps them all.

I woke up not feeling very well and every little thing (good and didn't matter) escalated from there.  The tears and crazy emotions I can't explain, but they are there and out in full force today.  I got to school and just couldn't stop crying and decided to come home to hibernate...away from everyone...for their own sake.

The curtains are open and the sun is shining through...this is helping...a little bit.  But, again, I apologize for the stress that I may be causing you (and daddy for that matter).  We'll get through this and all will be okay.

Thanks to Danielle, Molls and Kaely for talking and getting me (and you) through this emotional day...that I can't explain.

I love you little one...more than you can even imagine.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sleep...Or Lack There Of

Hey little guy,

Last night was rough and I hear it only gets tougher from here on out.  We are five weeks and five days out from your due date.  Who's counting?  Right now that seems like a lot of time, but I think that's just due to the way I feel today.  My stomach is a little topsy-turvy (the cereal this morning you nor I agreed with), my hips and lower back hurt, and the lack of sleep is not helping.  I remind myself constantly that when the not-so-good-feelings are present that in the long run everything that we've gone through will be completely worth it.

We had a doctor's appointment today and it was only a non-stress test.  You were calm as can be...I didn't have my daily dose of chocolate milk this morning so they ended up giving me a really sweet dose of apple juice.  With most of the non-stress tests you are calm and I can only hope that you remain this way when you enter the world.  However, your little heart beat and reaction to stress is excellent.  All looks good.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us.
I love you,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Because You Are Loved

Hey little guy.

I just wanted to share with you how it amazes me daily that you are so incredibly loved.  Today, my fifth graders threw a surprise baby shower that coincided with their Valentine's Day party.  I loved seeing the excitement on their faces as I carefully opened presents and unwrapped gifts from them.  They were adorable.  They can't wait to meet you, nor can I hardly wait to introduce you to them.

I think it is going to be a tough transition for your mommy...

Happy Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Almost Week 34!

Hey lil' guy...

Goodness.  The last time I paid any attention to your blog was almost four weeks ago.  I think I have enjoyed being pregnant in the moment rather than keeping up with the blog.

Four weeks has flown by and a lot has changed.  We will be 34 weeks on Wednesday, so here's an early update and a recap of the past few weeks...


  • You have grown from about 11 ounces and 16 inches long to about 4.5 pounds and 18 inches long.
  • You prefer rolling to poking me...this is due to lack of room in your cozy condo.
  • You kick the bed when I lay on my left side.
  • Hiccups are a daily occurrence.  
  • Have the fifth graders wondering how you pee, poop and fart from inside.
  • You always respond to your daddy's voice.
  • Continue to receive many gifts from friends and family.  You are spoiled.
  • Continues to crave beef and fruit.
  • Has picked up a significant fondness for vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup.  This may or may not have been my dinner for a couple nights in a row.
  • Has learned to stay hydrated or leg cramps are midnight wake-up calls...for both mommy and daddy.  
  • Gets up to pee about every two hours throughout the night.
  • Lower back pain has increased.
  • Wants to crawl to bed every night around 7:00.
  • Loves sharing with the fifth graders what is happening with you.  
  • Is excited about your name.  
  • Stressed about trying to find a replacement teacher for when I leave my students
  • Has worked very hard on your room. 
  • Continues to talk to you through mommy's belly button.  Who knew that was a two-way radio?  
  • Let's your mommy rest against his back in the middle of the night when she's uncomfortable and can't sleep.
  • Has recently become more concerned about his "pregnancy weight"...the bowls of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup have been good to us.
  • Helps mommy tie her shoes every morning...and take them off in the evenings.  You have a very, very, very loving, patient and supportive daddy.
  • Told me today that he is getting more excited for your he was grinning from ear to ear.
Here are a couple sneak peaks of your room...
Wainscoting with chair rail and the framed chalk board strip.

Yes, you will be our lil' Vandal.

Your clothes...newborn to 6 months.  

Your second closet door (you have three) 
with your clothes for when you are 6-9 months.

I can't wait for the final touches to your room...and of course, I can't wait for you to get here.

I love you,

Thursday, January 19, 2012

31-Week Update

Good morning lil' one,

We were 31 weeks yesterday.  I can't believe it! The entire miracle of pregnancy continues to amaze me.  At 31 weeks, here's what's going on with us...


  • You are about 3.5 pounds.
  • You enjoy yawning and sucking your thumb.
  • You also enjoy kicking me in the bladder and standing on my cervix (or at least that is what it feels like).
  • You get the hiccups, which daddy and I both felt last night. (Sorry about that half a glass of coke.)
  • You are constantly wiggling throughout the night. 
  • You favor my right side and have for quite some time. 
  • I think you dislike loud noises.
  • Counting down the weeks until I can hold you in my arms, which is approximately 9 weeks. (EEEK!)
  • A little congested in the mornings and I continue to have daily bloody noses.  
  • Extremely relieved that I do not have gestational diabetes and have only gained 1 pound in the past two weeks. 
  • When I had bronchitis I coughed so hard that I either dislocated or cracked a rib. This is uncomfortable, especially for sleeping.
  • My hips hurt and I think this is partially due to sleeping on my sides left side all night due to the sore rib(s).
  • I love when I can feel you move and I try to guess what body part is pushing out on my belly.  
  • I think I felt your spine...or at least your little bottom.
  • My belly button has almost popped. 
  • Continues to crave meat, fruit and chocolate milk.
  • Heartburn is present every now and then.  Apparently, the story is that if the mom has heartburn the baby comes out with a full head of hair.  We'll see how that goes considering the lack of hair in your gene pool.  
  • Has been busy trying to figure out maternity leave, finishing your nursery and just overall enjoying the last weeks of pregnancy. 
  • Likes to talk to you through my belly button.  Apparently that is the two-way radio for you boys.
  • Daddy's voice immediately calms you when you are active.
  • He's been hard at work finishing up your room.  
  • Is already planning how we are going to take you on your first camping will probably be about 6-8 weeks old.
  • Gets a cute little smile and twinkle in his eye when he talks about you.
  • Notices other little boys with their daddy's, doesn't say a word, then looks at me and grins from ear to ear.  He's so excited for your arrival.
  • Talks about you playing with your cousins, especially the lil' bean that is about 12 weeks younger than you.
  • Is excited to take you to Vandal games.
  • Won't talk about it much, but I think is a little nervous for your delivery.  Your daddy gets weak in the knees at the sight of blood or anyone in pain.
  • Loves you so much.
Other updates...we're fairly certain we have a name for you.  It's a name we both like and continue to go back to it.  It's very traditional.  We may even have a couple of back-ups...just in case the name doesn't fit you when you arrive.

I love you little one and continue to pray for you daily.

Monday, January 16, 2012

30 Weeks and 5 Days

Good morning lil' Herm.  

It's been a couple of weeks, but there really hasn't been any new news to share.  I'm through with the bronchitis and rattling your living space from the horrendous coughing, but I do believe I have either cracked or dislocated a rib.  It's uncomfortable, but manageable.  It's beginning to be a little more difficult to sleep at night as my hips really hurt, I can only lay on one side (due to pain in the ribs), and the constant getting-up-to-pee is only preparing me for when I will soon be waking up and caring for you throughout the night.  To be holding you in my arms and rocking you back to sleep is only a few short weeks away and something I am so looking forward to. 

Daddy and I went into the doctor today and everything looks fantastic.  I do not have gestational diabetes, which I have been a little worried about beings that my severe sweet tooth has returned.  My blood pressure is phenomenal 108/60, there are no traces of protein in my urine, I am not anemic, my weight is right on track, your heat beat was around 160 and you are continuing to grow just perfectly.  What a relief it is to hear consistent great news from the doctor.  

Nursery Update:
Your room is almost ready with a few remainder touch ups to be made to the wainscoting, your closet and additional little purchases.  I found a rug at IKEA that I like and I need to go pick it up...big surprise, it's Vandal colors (black with silver and gold circles).  

Name Update:
We think we have a name for you and this week your Daddy and I are doing our best to refer to you using this name and not "Herm".  It's been a little difficult to break away from the "Herm".  I dreamt about this particular name and we both seem to like it.  It's very traditional and neither Irish nor Scottish, which is what we originally wanted.  Nonetheless, we'll test it out this week and see how it goes.  We continue to have a rotating top-5 list, but this name consistently comes around again and again.  

I continue to love your little movements, especially in the evenings just before I fall asleep.    Whenever I feel you move it's a little-extra-continued-reassurance that you are okay.  You seem to listen carefully to your daddy's voice and instantly calm down when he places his hand on my stomach.  The next few weeks are full of doctor appointments and a couple's been a while since we have been able to see you on the screen.  I'm very much looking forward to the next couple of weeks. 

Love you little one.