Friday, February 17, 2012

Sleep...Or Lack There Of

Hey little guy,

Last night was rough and I hear it only gets tougher from here on out.  We are five weeks and five days out from your due date.  Who's counting?  Right now that seems like a lot of time, but I think that's just due to the way I feel today.  My stomach is a little topsy-turvy (the cereal this morning you nor I agreed with), my hips and lower back hurt, and the lack of sleep is not helping.  I remind myself constantly that when the not-so-good-feelings are present that in the long run everything that we've gone through will be completely worth it.

We had a doctor's appointment today and it was only a non-stress test.  You were calm as can be...I didn't have my daily dose of chocolate milk this morning so they ended up giving me a really sweet dose of apple juice.  With most of the non-stress tests you are calm and I can only hope that you remain this way when you enter the world.  However, your little heart beat and reaction to stress is excellent.  All looks good.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us.
I love you,

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