Sunday, February 12, 2012

Almost Week 34!

Hey lil' guy...

Goodness.  The last time I paid any attention to your blog was almost four weeks ago.  I think I have enjoyed being pregnant in the moment rather than keeping up with the blog.

Four weeks has flown by and a lot has changed.  We will be 34 weeks on Wednesday, so here's an early update and a recap of the past few weeks...


  • You have grown from about 11 ounces and 16 inches long to about 4.5 pounds and 18 inches long.
  • You prefer rolling to poking me...this is due to lack of room in your cozy condo.
  • You kick the bed when I lay on my left side.
  • Hiccups are a daily occurrence.  
  • Have the fifth graders wondering how you pee, poop and fart from inside.
  • You always respond to your daddy's voice.
  • Continue to receive many gifts from friends and family.  You are spoiled.
  • Continues to crave beef and fruit.
  • Has picked up a significant fondness for vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup.  This may or may not have been my dinner for a couple nights in a row.
  • Has learned to stay hydrated or leg cramps are midnight wake-up calls...for both mommy and daddy.  
  • Gets up to pee about every two hours throughout the night.
  • Lower back pain has increased.
  • Wants to crawl to bed every night around 7:00.
  • Loves sharing with the fifth graders what is happening with you.  
  • Is excited about your name.  
  • Stressed about trying to find a replacement teacher for when I leave my students
  • Has worked very hard on your room. 
  • Continues to talk to you through mommy's belly button.  Who knew that was a two-way radio?  
  • Let's your mommy rest against his back in the middle of the night when she's uncomfortable and can't sleep.
  • Has recently become more concerned about his "pregnancy weight"...the bowls of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup have been good to us.
  • Helps mommy tie her shoes every morning...and take them off in the evenings.  You have a very, very, very loving, patient and supportive daddy.
  • Told me today that he is getting more excited for your he was grinning from ear to ear.
Here are a couple sneak peaks of your room...
Wainscoting with chair rail and the framed chalk board strip.

Yes, you will be our lil' Vandal.

Your clothes...newborn to 6 months.  

Your second closet door (you have three) 
with your clothes for when you are 6-9 months.

I can't wait for the final touches to your room...and of course, I can't wait for you to get here.

I love you,

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