Monday, February 27, 2012


Hey little guy,

I should apologize for the craziness and stress that I may have caused you this morning.  It's down right unreal the hormonal changes that occur as your mommy continues to keep you warm and cozy.

Today is not a good day. There have been a handful of days, but today, well, it trumps them all.

I woke up not feeling very well and every little thing (good and didn't matter) escalated from there.  The tears and crazy emotions I can't explain, but they are there and out in full force today.  I got to school and just couldn't stop crying and decided to come home to hibernate...away from everyone...for their own sake.

The curtains are open and the sun is shining through...this is helping...a little bit.  But, again, I apologize for the stress that I may be causing you (and daddy for that matter).  We'll get through this and all will be okay.

Thanks to Danielle, Molls and Kaely for talking and getting me (and you) through this emotional day...that I can't explain.

I love you little one...more than you can even imagine.

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