Friday, April 13, 2012

5 Weeks

Will, you are changing daily and this scares me, but it's also exciting.  Everyone says the time passes by so quickly and it has. I can't believe you are already 5 weeks old.

You are becoming more alert and aware of mommy and daddy.
You continue to respond to your daddy's voice when he gets home from work.
You enjoy snuggle time with mommy...especially mid-day.
You are no longer wearing newborn clothing and have jumped into the 0-3 month size.
You like to place your hands around each side of the bottle.
You are becoming a better sleeper...3-5 hour spans at a time.
You love Aidan, Gia and Liam and watch and listen to everything they do.
You do not, for anything, enjoy getting your diaper changed.
You are easy going most of the time, but are a little fussy around 8 o'clock every night.
Your eyes continue to change colors...the right is definitely brown and the left is...well, blue and brown.
You have almost outgrown your are long.

You are loved...more than you can imagine.

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