Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sick and Pregnant

Good morning little one,

The past few days have been challenging because I have been sick with some sort of bronchial-cold-like-sickness.  I can't even begin to imagine what you feel or hear as I'm coughing my lungs up and rattling your living quarters.  You are a little trooper.

It's official.  We've made it to the third trimester.  We are 27 weeks (almost 28) and I can't hardly believe it.  You have very little time left "cookin", as your daddy says, and I feel pretty lucky with how easy it's been "cookin" you.  I can only hope that when you enter the world you will be just as easy to take care of.

As I was feeling you move this morning I was thinking about how this spring will be the first in quite a few years where we are not saddened by the loss of a baby, but rather rejoicing over you.  In my eyes, you truly are a miracle for us.

Twenty seven and half weeks...what's going on with you?  There are not a lot of changes this week.

  • You are about 15 inches long.
  • You weigh about 2 pounds.
  • Your eyelids which have been fused closed for the past 11-12 weeks can now open and close
Your mommy...
  • Delighted to be in the third trimester.
  • I am feeling more round ligament pain, which is slightly uncomfortable, but completely bearable.
  • Every now and then an uncomfortable kick is felt in the bladder, side, and other areas which feels like you are trying to escape.  
  • I'm hungry!  All the time!  Although I eat about 5 bites and I feel full.
  • I'm experiencing less heartburn, but I've changed my diet slightly to help reduce this.
  • My sweet tooth has returned.  Oh. My. Goodness.  My sweet tooth is out of control.  
  • My lower back is beginning to hurt more and if I sit for too long it's difficult to stand up.
  • Has been having weird dreams.
  • Enjoys the kicks and all your movements tremendously.
We have many things we need to do to get ready for your entrance into the world.  We've got some time, but before we know it, you will be here.  

Hang on tight as I continue to rattle your living quarters for the next couple of days as I try to kick this cold.  

Love you,

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