Sunday, December 4, 2011

Your Daddy...and A Few Other Things

Hi Herm,

Your Daddy is a very gentle, kind, helpful, determined, patient and funny man.  I can only hope that you have the wonderful qualities and characteristics that he does.  Yesterday, for the first time, he felt you move.  The smile on his face will forever be in my memory.  It's incredible how the tiniest, yet most miraculous thing in life can bring such great joy.

We "oooo-ed" and "awe-ed" at church today over another couples' newborn.  I We just can't wait to hold you in my our arms.

Daddy and Grandpa Mac are working on your room today.  They've actually been working on it all weekend and I'm very grateful.

Here's a couple recent pics of you growing...or rather your mommy growing...

 21 Weeks
24 weeks

Keep kickin' away...we love it.


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