Good morning, little one.
As I sit here and dream of holding you in my arms in a few months, I'm pondering what will be your name. Every morning your daddy reads names from the newspaper, which quickly get vetoed because they are usually names of convicts or athletes with bizarre names. He also shares names from the many books that he is reading at a given time and every now and then a name may sound intriguing, but nothing has seemed to jump out at us. We listen very attentively to everything around us in hopes of hearing a name that we will like. I fear that "Herm" is going to be on your birth certificate.
We want a name for you that is not trendy, era related or way off the charts unusual. We want a name that is easy to say and spell, nothing weird. We've been looking at Irish and Scottish names (I know, there are some unusual spellings) since your last name is MacDonald, but again, have yet to find something that really stands out to us.
This last Sunday on the way to church, your daddy started saying names aloud, but what I didn't realize was he was reading street signs. Finally when he said, "Bothell", I caught on to what he was doing...he's a funny one, your daddy.
An article was posted on Facebook the other day about names that have been banned in countries around the world. Here's the article... I promise you that we won't be naming you any of these names. What were people thinking?
When we do have a name for you, something other than "Herm", I assure you it will be perfect. We've also decided that when we have a name for you, we won't be sharing it with anyone until after you are here. I've heard too many stories in the past few weeks of how a name has been picked, shared and then at the last minute or after the baby has been born, the name changed. Therefore, we won't be sharing a name until you are here.
You will have a name...something other than "Herm"'s just a matter of when and what it will be.
Keep kicking little one. I love it.
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