Wednesday, April 25, 2012

7 Weeks

Will, I can't believe you are 7 weeks. I  feel like I say this every week, but it's true.  The time is already passing by so quickly and you are getting so big.  You are the center of our life and mommy and daddy love you so much.

At 7 weeks you weigh a little over 10 pounds and are 22 1/2 inches long.  You are filling out and looking less like a newborn and more like a baby.  We are probably bias, but you are so incredibly cute.  You are a mellow baby, one that does not cry much.  (Thank God.)  You are becoming more alert and aware of your surroundings.  You hold your head up, but are slightly wobbly.  You love to snuggle in the napes of our necks and you sound like a little goat.  We call you our Willie Goat.  You love to have your back rubbed.  Your eyes haven't officially changed color and one sometimes looks brown, but the other consistently looks grayish-blue.  You love Liam and just stare at him when he is near you.  You are beginning to smile and your first smile was with your Aunt Molly.  You fixate on objects and looks like you are flashing gang signs.  We swaddle you in the evenings, but during the day mommy let's you sleep unswaddled and you spread out.  As always, you are so many.

Friday, April 13, 2012

5 Weeks

Will, you are changing daily and this scares me, but it's also exciting.  Everyone says the time passes by so quickly and it has. I can't believe you are already 5 weeks old.

You are becoming more alert and aware of mommy and daddy.
You continue to respond to your daddy's voice when he gets home from work.
You enjoy snuggle time with mommy...especially mid-day.
You are no longer wearing newborn clothing and have jumped into the 0-3 month size.
You like to place your hands around each side of the bottle.
You are becoming a better sleeper...3-5 hour spans at a time.
You love Aidan, Gia and Liam and watch and listen to everything they do.
You do not, for anything, enjoy getting your diaper changed.
You are easy going most of the time, but are a little fussy around 8 o'clock every night.
Your eyes continue to change colors...the right is definitely brown and the left is...well, blue and brown.
You have almost outgrown your are long.

You are loved...more than you can imagine.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4 Weeks


You are 4 weeks old today.  What?  I can't believe it!  You have stolen your mommy and daddy's heart, along with the rest of the world.  Everyone that meets you or sees you comments on your cuteness and how good looking you are.  I don't know if they are just saying that or if they really think you are cute, but one thing's for sure...your mommy and daddy think you are simply perfect and the greatest gift in the world.

All about you at 4 weeks:

  • You weigh...well, I'm not sure what you weigh, but today was the last day you will be wearing newborn clothing.  
  • You are long and lean.
  • You like to stay awake between 8 and 11 p.m. 
  • Your eyes are turning brown...I think.
  • You enjoy dancing with mommy to Louis Armstrong.
  • You like it when daddy reads the newspaper aloud to you.  (And mommy thinks it is cute.)
  • Your eyes move in the direction of our voices.  
  • You are fascinated with the light or moving tress outside.
  • You now enjoy your nightly bath time.
  • Snuggling with mommy on the couch is a plus.
  • You are somewhat taking to a pacifier, but are not a complete fan.
  • You have a baby mullet.
  • You have peed and pooped on both mommy and daddy.  I think you have pooped on mommy more.
  • It seems like getting your diaper changed is torture, but you are instantly happy when picked up from the changing table.
  • You like hugs...lots of hugs.

Again, simply perfect.

I love you,


Baby Will, you are oh so loved. I know I keep telling you this, but it is true.  Candace, also known as 4-1-1, was present at your birth and she blogged about her experience.  You can check out her view of your birth here...

Auntie 4-1-1 loves hanging out with you.