Thursday, March 1, 2012

Your Name

Hey little Will...

Yes, your name has been shared with family.  William Hudson MacDonald, but we will be calling you Will...or whatever nicknames may come along.  We've known that we wanted to call you this for quite some time and many family members and friends have been chompin' at the bit to figure out your name.  I've slipped a couple of times prior to sharing with the family and a couple of friends full on guessed your name.  I couldn't lie with the huge smile that crossed my face at the sound of your name.

You have a couple of family members that share your name...mainly great and great-great grandpas with either William being their first name or their middle name.  Hudson?  Well, we originally had plans to name you Hudson, for years, but we didn't want to name you a "trendy" name...which is what Hudson has turned into.  Hudson comes from Roger Hudson, a dear friend of your daddy's side of the family.  Roger Hudson passed of cancer a few years ago.  I'm sure it won't be long before you are bellied up to the bar at Hudson's in Coeurd'Alene with daddy and grandpa enjoying a Hudson hamburger and a glass of milk.

Mommy and daddy love you...actually everyone loves you (it's unbelievable how loved you are already).

1 comment:

  1. William Hudson MacDonald you are very loved. Your Papa and I are so excited for your arrival that we can hardly wait! As grandparents, we have many wonderful things we want to share with you.
    Love you sooo much, Granny Judy
