Since your arrival and my return to work, the free time to keep up with your blog has been non-existent. My time on the computer has been less because, well, I enjoy my time with you so much more. A huge thanks to the former Peter Kirk psychologist for getting us a baby's first year calendar because I have kept great detail of your life on this calendar. Let's catch the rest of the world up with what's happening in your little-big world beginning with 5 months and working forward to today.
5th month:
- I am unsure of your height and weight; however you were above average (of course).
- You were introduced to solids...rice cereal and then bananas (which you, to this day, still do not like bananas).
- Things that you learned to do: roll over, grab your feet, sit up, give kisses, blow bubbles with your lips, recognize your name and recognize mommy and daddy.
- You like to snuggle with your tag blanket, go places, go for walks with mommy and eat real food (you love food).
- You do not like to be left are very social. Also sudden loud noises or people scare you.
- At 5 months your personality was really beginning to show. You are determined and persistent. You are a very happy baby that enjoys being with people. Although social, you also play very well on your own. You give mommy and daddy hugs and kisses. You love the water.
- In your fifth month we took a family trip to Mt. St. Helens, you had a special outing to Woodland Park Zoo. You also had your first trip to Idaho where you took your first peanut cruise and swam in the river. You went on your first camping trip, which ended up being a disaster in the evenings at bed time. You met your cousins Peyton, Jade and Raiden for the first time.
6th month:
- You were about 21 lbs.
- You had eaten bananas, peaches, squash, peas, apples and sweet potatoes.
- You were still learning to sit up and roll over. You were also learning your name and began to look in our direction when we called you. You also began blowing bubbles/spitting with both of your lips puckered. We began teaching you to wave goodbye.
- You like peaches, squash and sweet potatoes. You love the kids at your daycare, especially the little girl Addison. Bath time continues to be one of your favorites too, as well as snuggling with your tag blanket.
- You dislike peas--you gag and throw up every time you try them. You also are unsure of avocado. You hate going to bed and long car rides (driving across the state).
- Things that make you special: You are determined and persistent. You love to snuggle and give hugs and kisses. You smile a lot and are a very happy baby. You do a "wiggle" dance. You are a great sleeper, once you fall asleep.
- Main events in your 6th month: You consistently began sleeping through the night. You had your first day at daycare.
- You ate carrots, pears, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green beans, bananas, peaches, prunes, blueberries. You did not like watermelon, peas and avocados.
- You learned to roll over both directions, sit up, recognize your name, recognize "ma-ma" and daddy, eat a variety of solids, clap your hands, sit up and ride facing forward in the stroller and give hugs and kisses.
- Things you like: your tag blanket, your toes, sweet potatoes, hiding under blankets, sheets or anything really
- You dislike: You really don't dislike are a very happy baby.
- Things that make you special: You are a funny little guy and you try to make yourself laugh. You have a lot of hair that stands straight up. You smile big when you wake up...even if you are covered in poop or pee. You are beginning to laugh when you toot. You give big, sloppy kisses to mommy (not as much to daddy because he is growing a beard). You love to play peek-a-boo with daddy. You continue to be a great sleeper.
8th month:
- You are 29 inches long and 22.5 pounds (85-90 percentile for height and weight).
- You eat just about everything and continue to love sweet potatoes. You've tried vegetable and chicken noodle soup and love both of them.
- You are still learning to sit up. You clap your hands, grab food with your pincher fingers (puffs), sit in your high-chair, blow raspberries and give kisses. We are still working on waving goodbye.
- You love the Vandal Fight Song (of course). You continue to love your bath or naked time. You absolutely love Liam, Gia and Aidan and watch everything that they do. You also love your little buddy Colson and are curious, yet unsure of Carver.
- You hate having your nose cleaned and absolutely cannot stand to be poopy. Hopefully this will be an advantage later on when we begin potty training.
- There are many things that make you special...When you don't like food you instantly blow raspberries, tighten your lips or shake your head no. You have a tendency to be a little stubborn and the joke around the house is that you get your stubbornness from your daddy; however the reality is that you get 100% of your stubbornness from your mommy. You are attracted to the camera and are quite the ham. You have started playing with your penis and find it hilarious when you are naked. You almost always sleep through the night.
- Special events that happened in your 8th month: Grandma came to visit while mommy and daddy went away for a few days to Orcas Island. This was our first overnight stay away from you. For Halloween you were a little monkey.
Will, or Willster as I call are an absolutely joy every day that we get to spend with you. A true blessing and a miracle. Ma-ma and daddy love you very much.