Well hello sweet baby boy.
You are just over 3 months old and continue to get cuter and more loved each day. At your last doctor's appointment you were 24 inches long and 14 lbs 4 oz. You are 75 % for height and weight and only 15% for head size. You are long and lean. My guess is that by now you are at least 15 pounds if not over because you love to eat. You are a snacker...constantly eating. I think you are going through a growth spurt, but then again, it seems like you are always going through a growth spurt.
Things you like:
- cuddling with mommy
- reading with daddy
- having Moon on the Meadow sung to you when you are tired
- you love, love, LOVE your tag blankets (thanks Keri and Charlie)
- your hands...you have found them and love sucking on them
- you love Liam and Colson...I think this is because they are small in size like you and we hang out a lot with them
- you like to smile, especially on your second wake up of the morning
- you seem to like to travel in the car, but only when you have a full tummy and are ready to ride, otherwise, you scream bloody murder
- you like socializing and being the center of attention....heaven for bid if we walk out of the room for two seconds...you just don't like to be alone
- you love the trees or just being outside
- you love bath time
- you also enjoy being pushed around in your stroller...you like walks
- you are getting better at tummy time, but only in short increments
Every day I continue thank God for you. You are simply the best. I love you, our little Willie goat.