Wednesday, May 30, 2012

12 Weeks

Sweet William, you are 12 weeks today.  I can't believe it!  I think I say that every week, but it's true.  The time spent with you as an infant is going by so quickly.

Your personality is beginning to show.  You wake up every morning with a huge smile on your face ready to start your day.  You smile constantly and make friends everywhere you go...especially at the grocery store.

You are getting more used to tummy time, but you still do not enjoy it.  You like your swing and I think that's because you are upright.  You love to be upright looking around at everything.

You are more alert and aware of the tiny voices around you.  Your cousins came to visit last weekend and you were constantly looking for them when you heard their voices.  In fact, you got upset when you could hear them, but were not in the same room as them so you could watch them.

You are getting stronger in holding your head up and soon you will be sitting in your Bumpo.

You love, love, love bath time.

You are officially into 3-6 month clothing.

You started sleeping in your crib at night time and so far you are doing excellent.  The past two nights you have slept 7 hours straight.

You continue to nestle your nose into the crevasse of my elbow when you are tired.

You eat all the time. All. The. Time!

You have officially found your right fist and suck on it constantly.

You've started grabbing things and holding onto them, especially your tag blanket and mommy and daddy's clothing.

You love to snuggle and I take in all the snuggles I can get.  

You weight about 14 pounds and are long.  Very long.  Your feet are huge.

We've had some trying times and tiring days, but we are getting through them.  I think this is because you are growing and want to eat all the time.

Everyone loves you.  They love you a lot.

Let's hope your sleeping patterns continue.  Mommy and daddy enjoy 7 straight hours of sleep.

I love you baby boy,

Meeting your Aunt Cindy.

With your Great Papa.

With your Great Granny.

Tummy time with your Tiger.

Your cousin Reese.  March babes. 

You love your cousins.

You also love your Aunt Kaely.

You give the biggest smiles to daddy and Aunt Molly.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

11 Weeks

Sweet William,

You are almost 12 weeks.  It's hard to believe how quickly the time has passed and you are no longer looking like an infant, but a baby.  Your personality is slowly forming and shining through in your big smiles.  You coo at us and share big grins.  You are a happy baby that loves being around people.  You like to be held, but only held upright.  You are a snuggle bug and I soak up every moment of your snuggles.  Your little hands grasp our clothing when we hold you.  You are quickly moving out of your 0-3 month clothing and into your 3-6 month clothes.  You still dislike tummy time, but love playing on your mat while laying on your back.  In the past couple of days you have discovered your right fist, as your hands are almost always in a fist.  You continue to be oh so everyone.

I love you, 

Friday, May 4, 2012

8 Weeks

Sweet William,

You are 8 weeks old as of yesterday.  Where has the time gone?  You continue to grow healthy and strong, something I am so thankful for.  Your little personality is developing and if I'm not mistaken you have a bit of your mommy's stubbornness in you.  It's adorable now, but when you are 16 I'm sure it won't be that cute.  We've been adjusting to our new life with you, especially when it comes to your sleep schedule.  Last week you gave us a little tease and slept through the night.  Since then you have managed to wake up every 1 1/2-2 hours crying with hunger.  I think you are going through a growth spurt.  I hope that's what this is and your sleeping patterns eventually return to some sort of normalcy.

Although exhausted as we adjust to our new life with you, you are everything and more to us.  During the day I enjoy snuggling with you and our floor time together, both on your back and tummy.  You are still not a fan of tummy time for a lengthy period of time, but you have become stronger with holding your head up and kicking your legs.  Your eyes are drawn to the Guatemala picture hanging above the fireplace, but I think it's the glare on the glass that you are more interested in than the actual picture.  You also love looking outside the window--again, maybe you are more interested in the glare on the glass than actually what is outside.  You will sit in your swing for hours and you even like to take naps while swinging.  You love to be rocked to sleep as well.  I try to  remind myself at 3 a.m. that while rocking you to sleep can be tiring, I should take in the moment for you won't allow me to rock you to sleep forever.  When we hold you your tiny fingers grasp at our clothing and you hold on tightly.  You continue to love bath time, but only when daddy is giving you a bath.  You almost always fall asleep to me singing Moon on the Meadow to you.  Other songs we sing are Barges, Wee Baby Moon and Twinkle.

You are quite the little Mister.  We love you.


8 week photo

Asleep in my arms.

I love your lips.